We are happy to announce the release of a short publication which outlines the merits of a project we concluded in Kenya a few months ago.

Together with our partners – Simavi, Proportion Global, Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Society Network (KEWASNET), Center for Social Planning and Administrative Development (CESPAD), and Neighbours Initiative Alliance (NIA) – we explored the acceptability of a climate game as a local advocacy tool. In the process we adapted Minions of Disruptions for a local pastoral community, guided by the principles of Human-Centered Design.  

This project supported the usage of co-created, bottom-up climate adaptation empowerment initiatives for both organizations and communities. It showed that localized meaningful impacts are possible when the community is centered in the design process.

We are very happy to say that the response of the first project phase was very positive. This has inspired the partners to continue the collaboration, and explore adapting the game to other contexts as well. Thus, the journey of Minions in Kenya continues! 

Click here to read the full publication: Minions of Disruptions – Kenya Edition, October 2022.

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