I am also very interested in the subject of climate change. I follow it as much as possible in the media. Climate change is a difficult subject in itself and Shu Liang leads this interesting and in-depth dialogue in Dutch, a language that is not her native language.

The unique feature of this dialogue was that it brought all participants to awareness of their own commitment in relation to climate change. Exactly what we all do or want to do ourselves to contribute our bit, instead of just talking about what the government or someone else should do. This way you bring it to the level where you are in control.

The realization that you can also do a few things yourself. That you may also be satisfied with that. Like the expression: improve the world and start with yourself. Do not always point to “the other”, but see what you can do yourself. Don’t wait for someone else to do something. You can give the example yourself.

About the author: we respect the author’s wish to be anonymous. Further we appreciate the author’s reflections from participating in the Dialogue Day on February 21, 2019 in Den Bosch. The original text was written in Dutch.

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